Annual Chocolate Bar Fundraiser

January 27, 2025

FAST is once again selling delicious Laura Secord Chocolate bars just in time for Valentine’s Day!

This is a mandatory fundraiser where every family either participates or "opts out" by paying a fee equal to what would have been raised if you sold the bars.

If you sell all the chocolate bars in your box, this fundraiser doesn't cost you anything personally as the cost is recovered through sales of the bars ($5 each x 30 bars).  Selling all the bars allows you to recover the $150 cost.

You also have the opportunity to choose to order extra carrying cases to sell where the profit ($65/case) will go on your FAST account as a credit to pay for your FAST fees.  It is voluntary to order more cases to sell.

Please use the link below to either opt out, or tell us how many additional cases you would like to order.

If you do not use the link to either "opt out", OR, sign up for additional carrying cases, your family will be given 1 carrying case of chocolate bars to sell for FAST.

 Click here to access the sign up form

Deadline to opt out or order additional carrying cases using the Sign Up is Monday, February 3rd 2025.

Funds raised from this campaign will go towards team equipment purchases and operational costs

Click here for additional details and FAQ’s